July 12, 2024

Bayview Resident Trailblazers and Allies Participate in Seattle’s 50th Pride Parade

Category: Community

Author: bayview

Written by Bayview Resident, Dottie

Bayview participated in the Pride Parade for the first time on June 30th, 2024. The resident-led LGBTQ+ Affinity group at Bayview asked for permission to use the Van and driver to join the Celebration. We received an enthusiastic Yes!

We believe we are the first senior living community to participate. Our theme was “Graying Gay-ly” and we were outfitted with T shirts to proclaim it. The celebration marked 50 years of Pride in Seattle. We lived those years. We marched down Broadway to Volunteer Park before the parade became too big and had to move downtown.

Our bus was decorated with “Graying Gay-ly” banners and lots of bling. We marched with our allies carrying signs and rainbow flags to the roar and applause of the crowd. What a crowd! They estimated 300,000 present. We even got a brief spot with Deborah Horne on KIRO’s live stream.

It meant a lot to me to be able to march side by side with my Bayview community. Residents and staff, gay and straight together.